ClearLake Lumber
Project Information
Clear Lake Lumber is a residential logging company based in Spartansburg, PA that services PA, NY, WV, and OH. They work directly with landowners by ethically clearing their land of trees to promote healthy undergrowth. A key differentiator, Clear Lake Lumber is one of the few companies that will pay their customers up front for the trees they plan on removing from their land.
Clear Lake looked to fh group to develop an integrated marketing campaign that reaches potential customers across several marketing channels.
The campaign had four interconnected channels, which were:
- Print: The Landowners Guide was distributed to leads that had the potential to work with Clear Lake Lumber. This literature piece walked landowners through the Clear Lake logging and 100% upfront payment process as a differentiator from their competition.
- Website: A completely new website was designed that transitions viewers into leads. Two keys to the website are the "10 Things to Consider" and "Our Process" sections that help ease landowner's apprehension. Authentic customer testimonials are also an important asset to Clear Lake in order to build trust and a sense of transparency.
- Billboards: Three different easily identifiable billboards were developed to guide viewers to an easy to remember url,, which redirected them to the Clear Lake Lumber website. The billboards were placed in locations that had a large amount of potential logging customers.
- Direct Mail: Postcards were sent to leads that have the potential to be customers. They were designed to match the theme of the billboards and they directed recipients to